• (613) 821-2335
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Membership Information

Now that you’ve decided to join our fun loving little community club what’s next? As a community we think of our club as one “of the people, for the people, and by the people”. In short, along with your membership comes a little responsibility to give something back to the club to help it function. We have no employees so most of the work is done by the members. There are two components to this:

1) Bar duty. Every member of the Metcalfe Curling Club 18 years or older must be Smart Served in order to complete their required volunteer work as a bartender. Any member not wishing to do this will be subject to a bar fee of $200.00 ($100 for Snowbird Members) so that the club may hire bartenders to cover all events.

2) Kitchen duty. Members are expected to help in the kitchen during at lest one bonspiel per year. At the beginning of the season there is a large poster listing all the bonspiels placed on the kitchen door. Volunteers add their name to the bonspiel of their choice.

Working with an experienced kitchen convener the volunteers will help with setting up tables, preparing and serving food, and clearing and cleaning dishes. Your “tour of duty” includes the opportunity to have supper with your fellow volunteers.

Most of our new curlers have approached both of these “duties” with a little bit of apprehension and nervousness. Afterwards they almost always comment about how much fun they had, how many other members they met, and how the experience had helped them feel like a real part of the club. Many have gone on to become kitchen conveners themselves.

What else is involved with being a member? On the curling side you’re expected to keep your skip informed if you can’t make it to the club for your next scheduled game. In those instances it’s always helpful if you’ve found a spare to take your place. The various leagues keep a list of spares who you can call.

Twice a year (usually October and May) there is a general meeting of the members. This is your opportunity to participate in the club’s democracy. Many issues such as membership dues, club finances, and the physical plant (the building, ice making equipment etc.) are discussed and decided upon at these meetings.

We also hold a year-end banquet in May. In addition to a fine meal and entertainment the evening is also a celebration of the curling season with various presentations and the awarding of the league trophies.

So, what about bonspiels? Club bonspiels involve a full day of curling with lunch available during the day and dinner afterwards followed by presentation of the winners and the awarding of prizes. Dinner could be pot-luck or it could be something prepared by our kitchen volunteers. You can usually enter these spiels as a team or on your own and the minimal cost is used to provide prizes at the end of the day. The number of ends per game varies by bonspiel and the number of teams entered but each team is guaranteed at least two games.

With regard to pot-luck dinners, there is some coordination so the participants will know whether they should bring a salad, an entree, or a dessert.

Inter-club bonspiels have developed over the years into many friendly rivalries. Here are some examples:
The Broder Cup (Ladies) and the Merkley Trophy (Men) are competitive events held in January and February respectively. Entry is usually by team and the four competing clubs, Metcalfe, Morrisburg, Russell and Winchester, take turns as the host club.

The Gamble Bonspiel is a friendly competition between Metcalfe, Morrisburg, Russell, and Winchester who take turns hosting each November. Watch for the sign-up sheet posted in the club early in the season.

The Metcalfe-Russell is a very popular mixed competition with each team playing a game at each of the two clubs. Two teams from each club then play each other in the finals at the host club which alternates each year.

Our newest friendly rivalry is with the North Grenville Curling Club in Kemptville. The two clubs alternate hosting this event which is followed by a pot-luck supper. It has been a very successful event which has seen a number of friendships develop since it’s inception in 2006.

Invitational Bonspiels are the Mushroom Spiel and the Ladies Invitational which we host each year.

The club is also open to rentals throughout the year based on availability. At the beginning of each curling season we post a calendar of events which also includes the non-curling events with which we’re involved. Rental rates are available on the rental page.

Member Login

Our Sponsors

Upcoming Events

 14 Feb 2025
 06:15PM - 11:15PM
 15 Feb 2025
 Battle of the Sexes
 15 Feb 2025
 Merkley @ Russell
 16 Feb 2025
 09:00AM - 10:30AM
 Little Rocks
 16 Feb 2025
 10:30AM - 12:30PM
 Bantam / Juniors
 16 Feb 2025
 01:00PM - 03:30PM
 Open Doubles
 16 Feb 2025
 04:15PM - 08:45PM
 Fixed League

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Us

Metcalfe Curling Club
2793 8th Line Rd
P.O. Box 128
Metcalfe, Ontario
K0A 2P0

(613) 821-2335


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